Coherent media and information order? Focus Session of the EU Media Conference 2020
As part of the German EU Council Presidency, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media is hosting a media conference series to explore how media pluralism and responsibility in the digital society can be ensured. The Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI) is accompanying the media conference by providing scientific support and by analysing the requirements of a modern European information order. Grothe Medienberatung conducted a qualitative stakeholder survey on behalf of the HBI to include the practical experience of the affected industries with the legal framework in the analysis. On September 8th, the results of the analysis and the survey were presented in a focus session.
A mapping report on the relevant EU laws and norms as well as a policy paper with conclusions of the analyses are available on the HBI project website. Here is a summary of the results of the stakeholder survey: Focus Session HBI – Visions of a coherent EU Information and Media Order – Stakeholder Inquiry-final